Wednesday, January 19, 2011

3 Words

For the record, in case you didn't know
It hasn't been said quite yet
The words have been on the tip of my tongue
Without the voice behind them
Not because I don't feel their truth
Just waiting for the perfect moment
Dreaming of you in my arms
Looking at your eyes of joy
Holding happiness for the moment
And knowing it will last
Every good morning sunshine, brings the new day
Every good night babe, brings perfect sleep
I've bared my soul and fears
You've shared your life and concerns
Many hours hearing your voice
A few holding your hand
Hearing your happy sigh
Feeling your heart beat
Babe, I will never claim perfection
But you have changed my life
A better man because I met you
Complete when you said "Yes"
Now I want to say something
For just a moment let me please
Listen to the sound of silence
Feel the butterflies in my soul
Muster up the strength to finally say
Something I have felt so long
It might be with a shaky voice
And a tear in my eye
But you have given so much
To me, I hope you see
My cards are on the table
But one is in my hand
No longer can I hold back
You are my Queen of Hearts
The one who made me believe
In three words I can say
With everything they mean
I love you


A smile, a wish, a feeling I have
Not of happiness for something I did
For it has been a life lesson passed
To know all is well, the sun still shines
Warms my face and lifts the gloom
Of what could have been all wrong
No longer can I clutch the shambles
Love left when the flames went out
Its given me time to think things through
When love rises again it won't be over
Not in my lifetime or hers
An overwhelming passion that can't dim
Communication brings life to love
As the sun makes the flowers bloom
Seasons change intensity
Leaves eventually fall
But just as the sun shines true
Although I haven't met her yet
My heart has found strength
To whisper "I love you"


When over turns into reality
And love fades in time
Epic moments seem like dreams
Then empty promises creep in
Hearts scar and smiles fade
While silence changes everything
Healing takes its sweet time
When all I wanted was here and now
A hug, a kiss, a whisper of forever
Replaced by a single phrase
Not right now, I'm broken
I can't help but wonder
If next time will be different
The thought of endless potential
Now seems just out of reach
A setback on life's journey
Another poem in my collection
I've traded ashes for gold
Transformed words into art
Through it all I've learned
Take nothing for granted
And love with ALL your heart